Sierra Subaru of Monrovia

Sep 19, 2023

At Sierra Subaru of Monrovia, we take pride in not only providing exceptional service but also in being an integral part of our community. Our commitment to the Subaru Love Promise goes beyond selling cars; it’s about making a positive impact on the lives of individuals like Michelle Vanegas, whose inspiring story reflects the essence of compassion and support that defines our dealership.

Meet Michelle Vanegas: A Remarkable Subaru Owner

“My name is Michelle Vanegas, and I am a second-year graduate student and adjunct professor at California State University, Los Angeles.” Michelle’s story begins with her pursuit of knowledge and her dedication to helping others succeed. She’s been teaching part-time at Cal State L.A. since 2019, a year that marks not only the start of her academic career but also her journey as a Subaru owner.

Michelle’s Subaru journey began with her purchase of a Crosstrek, a dependable companion she relies on to navigate the challenges of both her education and her role as an educator. As a science instructor, Michelle finds deep fulfillment in nurturing her students’ understanding and appreciation of science and the natural world. Her commitment to her students and her passion for education led her to make a life-changing decision in 2021.

A Courageous Decision

In 2021, Michelle decided to leave her full-time job and return to school to pursue a master’s degree. This brave choice, driven by her desire to teach and inspire more students, came at a significant cost—a severe loss of income. As a part-time college professor with only a bachelor’s degree, Michelle faced financial uncertainty, especially when she was not offered enough teaching units in a semester.

It was during this challenging time that Michelle faced an unexpected hurdle. Her beloved Crosstrek, the very vehicle that helped her maintain her busy schedule, was in need of essential maintenance and repairs. With limited financial resources, this was a daunting obstacle that threatened to disrupt her academic and teaching commitments.

Sierra Subaru of Monrovia: A Beacon of Hope

It’s in moments of adversity that we discover the true spirit of a community, and Michelle experienced this firsthand when she reached out to Sierra Subaru of Monrovia. Her story touched the hearts of our team, and they recognized an opportunity to extend a helping hand through the Subaru Love Promise.

The dedicated professionals at Sierra Subaru of Monrovia made the remarkable decision to cover the costs of maintenance and care for Michelle’s Crosstrek. This act of kindness and generosity relieved Michelle of a significant burden, allowing her to refocus her energy and attention on her studies and her students.

Expressing Gratitude

In Michelle’s own words, “I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am that the folks at Sierra Subaru of Monrovia heard my story and decided to support me with the incredible gift of covering the costs of care for my Crosstrek. It has given me the peace of mind to be able to focus my energy and attention back on being the best student and teacher that I can be.”

At Sierra Subaru of Monrovia, we consider it a privilege to support individuals like Michelle, who embody the values of education, community, and perseverance. Michelle’s story is a testament to the Subaru Love Promise, a commitment to making the world a better place through acts of kindness and compassion.

Michelle Vanegas’ journey with Sierra Subaru of Monrovia is a heartwarming reminder of the positive impact a dealership can have on its community. We are not just here to sell cars; we are here to build relationships, offer support, and make a difference in the lives of those who trust us. Michelle’s story is a shining example of the Subaru Love Promise in action, and we are honored to have played a part in her inspirational journey.

Thank you, Michelle, for sharing your story with us, and thank you to our Sierra Subaru of Monrovia team for exemplifying the spirit of giving and compassion. Together, we continue to spread love and make a meaningful difference in our community.